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Compression Algorithms

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Library Wrappers

String Comparison


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PBCrypto.com Mirror


Algorithm creator(s)

Jean-loup Gailly (zlib compression), Mark Adler (zlib decompression)

PB author(s)

Don Dickinson


ZLIB compression/decompression library PowerBASIC wrapper.


Requires zlib.dll



See also

Source Code

Download source code file zlib.bas (Right-click -> "Save as ...")

'  Declares and Wrappers for PB-DLL and PB-CC 32-bit
'  using zlib32.dll compression library. This is not a
'  full translation of the zlib api, but it is enough
'  to perform some basic compression/decompression of
'  strings and files.
'  By Don Dickinson
'  ddickinson@usinternet.com
'  dickinson.basicguru.com
'  Hereby Public Domain. Provided in good faith by the auther
'  Don Dickinson. Your use or mis-use of this code impies that
'  you hold the author harmless of all effects and side-effects
'  of its use.
'- These might be defined already, but if not,
'  I do it here.
#If Not %Def(%True)
%True = -1
%False = 0

Global g_gzLastError As String

$Z_OPEN_READ               = "rb"
$Z_OPEN_WRITE              = "wb"

%Z_NO_FLUSH                = 0
%Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH           = 1
%Z_SYNC_FLUSH              = 2
%Z_FULL_FLUSH              = 3
%Z_FINISH                  = 4

%Z_OK                      = 0
%Z_STREAM_END              = 1
%Z_NEED_DICT               = 2
%Z_ERRNO                   = -1
%Z_STREAM_ERROR            = -2
%Z_DATA_ERROR              = -3
%Z_MEM_ERROR               = -4
%Z_BUF_ERROR               = -5
%Z_VERSION_ERROR           = -6

%Z_NO_COMPRESSION          = 0
%Z_BEST_SPEED              = 1

%Z_FILTERED                = 1
%Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY            = 2

%Z_BINARY                  = 0
%Z_ASCII                   = 1
%Z_UNKNOWN                 = 2

%Z_DEFLATED                = 8

Declare Function compress Lib "zlib.dll" Alias "compress" _
        (   compr As Any, comprLen As Long, buf As Any, _
            ByVal buflen As Long ) As Long

Declare Function uncompress Lib "zlib.dll" Alias "uncompress" _
        (   uncompr As Any, uncomprLen As Long, compr As Any, _
            ByVal lcompr As Long ) As Long

Declare Function gzopen Lib "zlib.dll" Alias "gzopen" _
        (   zFile As Asciiz, zMode As Asciiz ) As Long

Declare Function gzread Lib "zlib.dll" Alias "gzread" _
        (   ByVal file As Long, uncompr As Any, _
            ByVal uncomprLen As Long ) As Long

Declare Function gzwrite Lib "zlib.dll" Alias "gzwrite" _
        (   ByVal file As Long, uncompr As Any, _
            ByVal uncomprLen As Long) As Long

Declare Function gzclose Lib "zlib.dll" Alias "gzclose" _
        (   ByVal file As Long ) As Long

'  gzGetLastError
Function gzGetLastError() As String
   Function = g_gzLastError
End Function

'  gzCompressFile
Function gzCompressFile(inFile As String, outFile As String) As Long

   Dim hInput As Long
   Dim hOutput As Long
   Dim iReturn As Long
   Dim i As Long
   Dim iBlocks As Long
   Dim iLeft As Long
   Dim sInput As String

   '- Initialize the error message
   g_gzLastError = "Success"

   '- The input must exist
   If Dir$(inFile) = "" Then
      g_gzLastError = "Input file " + inFile + " not found"
      GoTo gzCompresssFile_Error
   End If

   '- The output cannot exist
   If Dir$(outFile) <> "" Then
      g_gzLastError = "Output file: " + outFile + " already exists"
      GoTo gzCompresssFile_Error
   End If

   '- Tell zLib to open the output file
   hOutput = gzopen(ByCopy outFile, $Z_OPEN_WRITE)
   If hOutput = 0 Then
      g_gzLastError = "zLib is unable to open output file: " + outFile
      GoTo gzCompresssFile_Error
   End If

   '- Use PB to open the input file
   On Error Resume Next
   hInput = FreeFile
   Open inFile For Binary Shared As #hInput
   If Err Then
      hInput = 0
      g_gzLastError = "Unable to open input file: " + inFile + " Error =" + Str$(Err)
      GoTo gzCompresssFile_Error
   ElseIf Lof(hInput) < 1 Then
      g_gzLastError = "Input file: " + inFile + " is zero-length"
      GoTo gzCompresssFile_Error
   End If

   #If 0
   '- Get memory for the input buffer
   On Error Resume Next
   sInput = String$(Lof(hInput), 0)
   If Err Then
      g_gzLastError = "Error allocating " + Format$(Lof(hInput)) + " bytes of memory"
      GoTo gzCompresssFile_Error
   End If

   '- Fill the decompression (input) buffer with the contents
   '  of the input file.
   Get #hInput,, sInput
   If Err Then
      g_gzLastError = "Error reading from: " + inFile + " Error =" + Str$(Err)
      GoTo gzCompresssFile_Error
   End If

   '- Compress the data to the output file
   iReturn = gzwrite(hOutput, ByVal StrPtr(sInput), Len(sInput))
   If iReturn <> Len(sInput) Then
      g_gzLastError= "Error compressing data buffer: " + Format$(iReturn)
      GoTo gzCompresssFile_Error
   End If

   iLeft =  Lof(hInput) Mod %DECOMPRESS_BLOCK_SIZE
   iBlocks = (Lof(hInput) - iLeft) / %DECOMPRESS_BLOCK_SIZE
   sInput = Space$(%DECOMPRESS_BLOCK_SIZE)
   If Err Then
      g_gzLastError = "Error allocating " + Format$(%DECOMPRESS_BLOCK_SIZE) + " bytes of memory"
      GoTo gzCompresssFile_Error
   End If

   For i = 1 To iBlocks
      Get #hInput,, sInput
      If Err Then
         g_gzLastError = "Error reading from: " + inFile + " Error =" + Str$(Err)
         GoTo gzCompresssFile_Error
      End If

      iReturn = gzwrite(hOutput, ByVal StrPtr(sInput), Len(sInput))
      If iReturn <> Len(sInput) Then
         g_gzLastError= "Error compressing data buffer: " + Format$(iReturn)
         GoTo gzCompresssFile_Error
      End If
   Next i

   If iLeft > 0 Then
      sInput = Space$(iLeft)
      If Err Then
         g_gzLastError = "Error allocating " + Format$(iLeft) + " bytes of memory"
         GoTo gzCompresssFile_Error
      End If

      Get #hInput,, sInput
      If Err Then
         g_gzLastError = "Error reading from: " + inFile + " Error =" + Str$(Err)
         GoTo gzCompresssFile_Error
      End If

      iReturn = gzwrite(hOutput, ByVal StrPtr(sInput), Len(sInput))
      If iReturn <> Len(sInput) Then
         g_gzLastError= "Error compressing data buffer: " + Format$(iReturn)
         GoTo gzCompresssFile_Error
      End If
   End If

   '- Clean up and return OK
   '  If we make it this far, then the
   '  compression worked!
   Close #hInput
   gzclose hOutput
   Function = %True
   Exit Function

   If hInput Then Close hInput
   If hOutput Then gzclose hOutput
   Function = %False

End Function

'  gzUncompressFile
Function gzUncompressFile(compFile As String, outFile As String) As Long

   Dim hInput As Long
   Dim hOutput As Long
   Dim iReturn As Long
   Dim iCount As Long
   Dim sOutput As String

   '- Initialize the error message
   g_gzLastError = "Success"

   '- The input must exist
   If Dir$(compFile) = "" Then
      g_gzLastError = "Compressed file " + compFile + " not found"
      GoTo gzDecompresssFile_Error
   End If

   '- The output cannot exist
   If Dir$(outFile) <> "" Then
      g_gzLastError = "Output file: " + outFile + " already exists"
      GoTo gzDecompresssFile_Error
   End If

   '- Tell zLib to open the output file
   hInput = gzopen(ByCopy compFile, $Z_OPEN_READ)
   If hInput = 0 Then
      g_gzLastError = "zLib is unable to open compressed file: " + compFile
      GoTo gzDecompresssFile_Error
   End If

   '- Use PB to open the output file
   On Error Resume Next
   hOutput = FreeFile
   Open outFile For Binary As #hOutput
   If Err Then
      hOutput = 0
      g_gzLastError = "Unable to open output file: " + compFile + " Error =" + Str$(Err)
      GoTo gzDecompresssFile_Error
   End If

   sOutput = String$(%DECOMPRESS_BLOCK_SIZE, 0)
      iCount = iCount + 1

      iReturn = gzread(hInput, ByVal StrPtr(sOutput), %DECOMPRESS_BLOCK_SIZE)
      If iReturn < 1 Then
         Exit Do
      ElseIf iReturn < %DECOMPRESS_BLOCK_SIZE Then
         sOutput = Left$(sOutput, iReturn)
         Put #hOutput,, sOutput
         Exit Do
         Put #hOutput,, sOutput
      End If
      If Err Then
         g_gzLastError = "Error writing output file: " + outFile + " Error =" + Str$(Err)
         GoTo gzDecompresssFile_Error
      End If


   '- Clean up and return OK
   '  If we make it this far, then the
   '  compression worked!
   Close #hOutput
   gzclose hInput
   Function = %True
   Exit Function

   If hOutput Then Close hOutput
   If hInput Then gzclose hInput
   Function = %False

End Function

'  gzCompressString
'  Compresses the string
Function gzCompressString(ByVal deString As String, compString As String) As Long

   Dim iReturn As Long
   Dim iComp As Long
   Dim iDeComp As Long

   If Len(deString) < 1  Then
      Function = %False

      '- Calculate and allocate the compression buffer.
      compString = String$(Len(deString) * 1.2 + 12, 0)
      iComp = Len(compString)
      iDeComp = Len(deString)

      '- Compress it
      iReturn = compress(ByVal StrPtr(compString), iComp, ByVal StrPtr(deString), iDeComp)
      If iReturn = %Z_OK Then

         '- compString will contain the length of the decompressed buffer
         '  in the first 4 bytes.
         compString = MkL$(iDecomp) + Left$(compString, iComp)
         Function = %True
         compString = ""
         g_gzLastError = "Error compressing buffer. zLib err =" + Str$(iReturn)
         Function = %False
      End If
   End If

End Function

Function gzDecompressString(ByVal compString As String, deString As String) As Long

   Dim iReturn As Long
   Dim iComp As Long
   Dim iDeComp As Long

   iComp = Len(compString)
   If iComp < 5 Then
      Function = %False

      '- The first 4 bytes contain the length of the decompressee string
      iDeComp = CvL(Left$(compString, 4))
      iComp = iComp - 4
      compString = mid$(compString, 5)

      '- Create the decompression buffer
      deString = Space$(iDeComp)
      iReturn = uncompress(ByVal StrPtr(deString), iDeComp, ByVal StrPtr(compString), iComp)
      if iReturn = %Z_OK then
         Function = %True
         Function = %False
      End If
   end if

End Function

Mirror provided by Knuth Konrad