Algorithm creator(s)
Jürgen Helbing
PB author(s)
Torsten Rienow
yEnc is a public domain encoding scheme similar to UUEncode and BASE64, but has much less overhead and encoded data is much smaller.
See also
Source Code
Download source code file yenc.bas (Right-click -> "Save as ...")
#Compile Exe
Sub yEncodeBuffer(ByVal inBuf As Dword, ByVal cbInBuf As Dword, ByVal outBuf As Dword, ByRef cbOutUsed As Dword)
#Register None
Dim bTemp As Byte
Dim bIn As Byte Ptr
Dim bOut As Byte Ptr
bIn = inBuf
bOut = outBuf
For bIn = inBuf To (inBuf + cbInbuf - 1)
bTemp = @bIn
bTemp = bTemp + 42
Select Case bTemp
Case 0, 9, 10, 13, 46, 61
@bOut = 61
Incr bOut
Incr cbOutUsed
@bOut = bTemp + 64
Incr bOut
Incr cbOutUsed
Case Else
@bOut = bTemp
Incr bOut
Incr cbOutUsed
End Select
End Sub
Sub yDecodeBuffer(ByVal inBuf As Dword, ByVal cbInBuf As Dword, ByVal outBuf As Dword, ByRef cbOutUsed As Dword)
#Register None
Dim bTemp As Byte
Dim bIn As Byte Ptr
Dim bOut As Byte Ptr
bIn = inBuf
bOut = outBuf
For bIn = inBuf To (inBuf + cbInbuf - 1)
bTemp = @bIn
If bTemp = 61 Then
Incr bIn
bTemp = @bIn - 64
End If
bTemp = bTemp - 42
@bOut = bTemp
Incr bOut
End Sub
Function PBMain
Dim s1 As String
Dim s2 As String
Dim cb As Dword
s1 = "Hallo" + Chr$(253)
MsgBox "Text : " + s1 + $CrLf + "Length : " + Str$(Len(s1)) , , "Before yCoding"
s2 = Space$(Len(s1) * 2)
yEncodeBuffer StrPtr(s1), Len(s1), StrPtr(s2), cb
MsgBox "Text : " + s2 + $CrLf + "Length : " + Str$(cb) , , "yCoded"
s1 = s2
s2 = Space$(Len(s1))
yDecodeBuffer StrPtr(s1), Len(s1), StrPtr(s2), cb
MsgBox "Text : " + Mid$(s2,1,cb) + $CrLf + "Length : " + Str$(cb) , , "Restored from yCode"
End Function